Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How to get more customers to pay attention to your business or service.

Marketing online can be a little tricky at times because it's hard to know what kind of content you should use and how many times to post the same stuff.  Well..................think about when you're watching T.V. and take some advice from commercial advertisers.  How many times do we see the same commercials over and over again.  Some of the commercials we have memorized and we even have our favorite commercials.  This tells you that repetition is good when it comes to marketing.  Honestly, consumers have to see your product several times before they will even think about buying.  I know many of us feel like we need to position ourselves as experts in an industry by blogging and such.  What about my blog?  I started this blog because I wanted to offer more value with my marketing, but I also wanted to share what I'm learning on my freelancing journey. 

I realize internet marketing is not the same as commercial advertisers.  But there are proven strategies that have been used, even before the world wide web came to be.  These techniques are still successful today. 
1.  Use good visuals - Use pictures and graphics that appeal to your audience and tie into your message
2.  A little goes a long way - If your marketing is too wordy, you lose potential prospects in the first 5 seconds.  When online, there are a couple things going on:  1.  Potential prospects will only stop and read if the first 5 words of your message states a question they have asked or a solution that they need.  2.  Potential prospects are in a rush and will only stop for something that jumps out at them.  3.  When someone is interested in your product or company, they will not order right away; they will mark your post as a favorite or somehow, save it so they can come back to it another time. 
3.  Repetition is important because potential customers don't order right away, consumers have a process that is very consistent and there is a psychology to it.  It is something that we all have in common
4.  Repetition builds trust.  Online, there are so many businesses that come and go.  So many service providers that are there one day and gone the next.  Potential customers are looking for providers who have had a consistent presence. If this blog entry was helpful, then you might be interested in my sales training video.  You can click below to check it out.

Click Here for sales training video

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Keep pressing, keep trying, keep exploring, and Don't Give up

Successful freelancers require passion!  Many do what they do because they love it.  Success to a freelancer means that you are able to share your gift and passion with the world and get paid to do it.  It doesn't mean getting rich off people or charging an arm and a leg for services.  It means that you can combine your passion with the needs of others and work together to produce a desired result.  Many of us are freelancing "on the side" .Meaning that we might do it at odd hours and that's a really cool part about it!!  You can work it around almost any schedule.  When you have to stay up late into the night, working on an order, it doesn't bother you because you get paid for something that you love doing and it's always considered a blessing no matter what time of night or morning that you're working on it.  I believe that we all have something to offer to the world, that has a place in the marketplace.  It might take time to figure out how to offer it, but that's just part of the process.  It might take trial and error.  But that's part of the process too😀 Before I found my niche as a freelancer, I tried some different offerings and I didn't get any responses in the marketplace but eventually I arrived at a service that I could offer, that was very successful and popular.  This service paved the way for me to start doing what I absolutely loved as a freelancer and that is writing and research.  If you have something to offer the world, continue to explore and pray about the possibilities and ask God to show you how He wants to use it.  God Bless.  You can click on the links below to explore my services.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Tips for success in Freelancing

"Not limiting yourself" is a journey in and of itself.  We naturally limit ourselves in so many different ways.  That's just being human.  But, there are times where a specific limiting behavior has been revealed to us and that is an opportunity to do something about it.  It's not easy, but it's possible.  The key is to not give up.  If you know of a specific behavior pattern that limits you, put boundaries in place that keeps it from interfering in the work that is most important to you.  It might not be something that is bad in an of itself, but it might act as a distraction if you engage in it at the wrong time.  The work that you are passionate about, is very important to the world around you.  One reason why we don't fight against distractions is because we don't believe in the importance of our work enough, to make certain changes.  I totally understand that.  I struggle with that as well. But lately I have been feeling a sense of responsibility to constantly reach out to the world around me through my gifts and talents.  I honestly believe that everybody has something powerful and important to offer to the world.  That means you too!!!!

I'm a freelancer. I have been a freelancer for over 1 year now.   It's been a great journey.  I wanted to share some tips on having a successful freelancing career. 
1.  Price low and over deliver.  You are competing with people all over the world in the freelancing market and some of your competitors live in places where the cost of living is alot lower than where you reside.  Many times you can't price your service as low as them, but you make up for that in the quality of service you provide and in over delivering.  If you can't be competitive in terms of rate, find an area where you can make up for it.

2.  Try to choose something that you enjoy doing.  When you are gifted and enjoy doing something it comes across to your customers.  Wouldn't you love to have someone working with youCh, who loves what they are doing for you? You will become a preferred service provider just because you will convey a different type energy than your competitors.  Trust me on this, I have had alot of competition in the areas I have focused on, and many of them were priced lower than me, but I stood out in how I packaged the delivery of my services.  It's not just about delivering results, it's how you package those results.  When you package them properly, your customers see the value in your service and keep coming back for more. 

3.  Find something that is in demand and a good match with your skill set.  I believe there is a place for everyone's special skill set.  I believe we were all created to offer something very special.  We just have to figure out how to do it.  I spend a few years praying and trying to figure out what I could do as a freelancer.  I looked at what was in demand and figured out what might be a good match for my skill set.  I launched out, offering my first freelancing gig over 1 year ago and the rest is history.  I have been doing it ever since.  You can find a list of the freelancing services, that I offer, below:

Click here to learn how to get more appointments & Sales

 Click here if you are interested in my "Content" services

 Click here is you need me to perform research for you

Monday, May 2, 2016

"A Dream" that won't quit. Learn from the best.

"Pursuing your dream".  I have heard this statement alot over the years.  But I have learned the most from Mr. "Walt Disney" himself when it comes to that statement.  Many of you do not know how many times Mr. Disney failed before attaining any major success as an animator, you do know that he was not a business man but just a brilliant animator with a vision.  Walt Disney was not a business person.  His passion was drawing and animation.  He was determined to spend his life doing just that.  He had a dream that would not quit.  There was a time where he had "no money" and he had been evicted from his own office, for his company; and had lost what seemed like everything.  But he always took whatever little, he was able to recover, and kept moving.  With every big loss, he always had a small piece of his business to carry forward.  Mr. Disney did not graduate high school, he left at 16 years old.  One of the things he said was that "You cannot pursue your dreams, without failing alot".
The thing I love about Walt Disney's story is that he was just like you and I.  His family didn't have much money and neither did he, but he had SOME dream, I'll tell you that!!!  He was not a smart business man, so he made alot of mistakes.  But that didn't stop him from learning what he needed to learn in order to do what he dreamed of doing.  He wasn't afraid of the unknown.  You don't know it all, none of us do. But there is something brilliant inside of you that can take you the distance.  Something that can carry you through all the failures, mistakes, bankruptcies, heartbreaks, losses, etc.
In order to pursue your dreams you have to put your heart in it, which means that you are going to experience heartache.  But if you look at what Walt Disney achieved, it's so worth it!!!! 

The Disney name has remained strong, his brand continues to be a brilliant quality and ever growing.  It's like the foundation he laid with his heartache and mistakes; and being willing to learn laid a foundation that would be carry the brilliance that he poured into it from generation to generation.  He was just like you and I.   We all have a degree of brilliance in some area, let it shine!!

The funny thing is, my dream is being able to help others to pursue their dreams.  I hold the hopes and dreams of others safely in my heart.  Well, those who are willing to share them with me.  I get my greatest joy out of the success of others.  That's what drive my freelancing services, a passion to see other succeed.  If you are in need of any of my services you will find them listed below.

I will provide content for ezines, websites, marketing, sales copy  

I will get you more appointments and sales

I will research any topic for you

Monday, April 25, 2016

Mission + Compassion = Successful Business

The key to creating great content is learning to place yourself in the shoes of your audience.  Assuming you know "who" your audience is.  What kinds of challenges are your customers faced with?  How do these challenges affect their business and their lives?  Are your customers "free spirited freelancers", "struggling entrepreneurs", "CEO's"?  No matter who they are, you might have the right solution for something they that are currently struggling with.  Learn to develop a keen, sense of compassion and a spirit of service, as a business person.  Look to partner with your prospect, not "sell them".  The greatest fulfillment, for myself, as a business owner is to be able to participate in my customer's success.  For them to give me the opportunity to have a role in their success is nothing short of a blessing.  I have a passion for small business owners, because I believe there is room enough for all, in the marketplace.  Business is about getting together with others to produce something great, something that will be beneficial to others. 

I am a freelancer who serves from her heart.  If you are in need of content, research, or sales training; please click on the link below to view my freelancing site.
Click here for a list of my freelance services


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Business + Solid relationships = Success

In the wake of so much social media, we have an infinite access to information and resources at our fingertips.  Consumers are looking for value at every turn.  As business owners, are we giving it to them?  As a business owner, the value comes from what lies on the inside of you.  A combination of your talents, experience, wisdom, insight, personality, etc.  We have had to become very skilled at bringing these things across, on a computer screen.  We have had to learn the best format for each social media platform.  It's not easy to take something, that is not tangible, and to give different form to it, over and over again.  But it can be done.  It's done with pictures, words, sounds, colors, even font sizes.  Everything communicates something to your audience.  We are inundated with information and advertisements all day long.  We are not looking for the next advertisement.  We are looking for a  human being, a real conversation, a partnership, successful relationships, inspiration, etc.  Consumers develop relationships with brands and service providers.  They are not looking to "hit it and quit it".  As business owners we have to take the time and energy to build a valuable, successful relationship with our audience.  This comes from consistency, patience, and quality.  Put in the time.

I know it's hard to find time to constantly create content that appeals to your audience, especially if "writing" is not your thing.  I've realized that some platforms, such as twitter, require posts throughout the day to really see an impact.  If you are in need of some original, fresh, "social media" ready content, visit me at https://www.fiverr.com/s2/22c59945c6

Thank you so much for visiting my blog!! If you enjoyed the article, please share on your social media networks.  You can follow the blog via email by clicking on the "Follow by email" button in the column on the right side.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Creating workflow in your business

Growing a new business venture can be somewhat challenging.  Figuring out where to look for customers and figuring out how to market can often times stop entrepreneurs in their tracks.  I have been in business for myself for over 10 years and I've learned that one of the most important aspects of building a business is "creating workflow" for yourself.  When you work for someone else, they are giving you the work.  In all actuality, they are creating your workflow.  It can be a challenge, when you launch out with your own business venture, to do that for yourself.

Marketing is the first way to create workflow for yourself.  Marketing is a part of your workflow.  Meaning that you are going to decide how you want to start marketing your service, product, or opportunity.  Lets say you want to start with Social Media.  That means you will decide if you are going to market on your personal pages or if you are going to create new pages in Social media for your business.  Sometimes you can start with your personal pages and decide later about strategy on creating other pages for your business. 
Are there any people in your immediate network that you think would be interested in what you are selling?  Make a list of those people. 
Then you have to create your promotions.  Even if you are marketing on your personal pages, you have to create promotions.  With your promotions, you don't only want to talk about your business, but you want to do it in a way that is relevant to the day of the week, the season of the year, or something else that is going on right now.  You want to make it relevant for people.  Another way you make it relevant  is through pictures.  Try to always post an image to go along with your promotion.  Something that connects to what you're selling.  Something that has a message.

I have always had a passion for entrepreneurship.  Since I was very young, I always felt like our economy was built to support a free marketplace with enough opportunities for everyone to be an entrepreneur.  We all have something special to offer to the world around us.  Many times, it's just about channeling what you are truly passionate about.  That takes time.  It's a journey that I am still on.  For me, writing is the way I make my mark in the marketplace.  I love writing content for all types of marketing pieces, social media posts, etc.  If you are looking for someone to create content that will relate to your audience, click on the link below: https://www.fiverr.com/s2/e2cdf11b41

Thanks alot for reading my post!!! Please leave a comment.  If you think this would help others, please share on your social media platforms.  Thanks again