Saturday, May 21, 2016

Keep pressing, keep trying, keep exploring, and Don't Give up

Successful freelancers require passion!  Many do what they do because they love it.  Success to a freelancer means that you are able to share your gift and passion with the world and get paid to do it.  It doesn't mean getting rich off people or charging an arm and a leg for services.  It means that you can combine your passion with the needs of others and work together to produce a desired result.  Many of us are freelancing "on the side" .Meaning that we might do it at odd hours and that's a really cool part about it!!  You can work it around almost any schedule.  When you have to stay up late into the night, working on an order, it doesn't bother you because you get paid for something that you love doing and it's always considered a blessing no matter what time of night or morning that you're working on it.  I believe that we all have something to offer to the world, that has a place in the marketplace.  It might take time to figure out how to offer it, but that's just part of the process.  It might take trial and error.  But that's part of the process too😀 Before I found my niche as a freelancer, I tried some different offerings and I didn't get any responses in the marketplace but eventually I arrived at a service that I could offer, that was very successful and popular.  This service paved the way for me to start doing what I absolutely loved as a freelancer and that is writing and research.  If you have something to offer the world, continue to explore and pray about the possibilities and ask God to show you how He wants to use it.  God Bless.  You can click on the links below to explore my services.

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