Monday, May 9, 2016

Tips for success in Freelancing

"Not limiting yourself" is a journey in and of itself.  We naturally limit ourselves in so many different ways.  That's just being human.  But, there are times where a specific limiting behavior has been revealed to us and that is an opportunity to do something about it.  It's not easy, but it's possible.  The key is to not give up.  If you know of a specific behavior pattern that limits you, put boundaries in place that keeps it from interfering in the work that is most important to you.  It might not be something that is bad in an of itself, but it might act as a distraction if you engage in it at the wrong time.  The work that you are passionate about, is very important to the world around you.  One reason why we don't fight against distractions is because we don't believe in the importance of our work enough, to make certain changes.  I totally understand that.  I struggle with that as well. But lately I have been feeling a sense of responsibility to constantly reach out to the world around me through my gifts and talents.  I honestly believe that everybody has something powerful and important to offer to the world.  That means you too!!!!

I'm a freelancer. I have been a freelancer for over 1 year now.   It's been a great journey.  I wanted to share some tips on having a successful freelancing career. 
1.  Price low and over deliver.  You are competing with people all over the world in the freelancing market and some of your competitors live in places where the cost of living is alot lower than where you reside.  Many times you can't price your service as low as them, but you make up for that in the quality of service you provide and in over delivering.  If you can't be competitive in terms of rate, find an area where you can make up for it.

2.  Try to choose something that you enjoy doing.  When you are gifted and enjoy doing something it comes across to your customers.  Wouldn't you love to have someone working with youCh, who loves what they are doing for you? You will become a preferred service provider just because you will convey a different type energy than your competitors.  Trust me on this, I have had alot of competition in the areas I have focused on, and many of them were priced lower than me, but I stood out in how I packaged the delivery of my services.  It's not just about delivering results, it's how you package those results.  When you package them properly, your customers see the value in your service and keep coming back for more. 

3.  Find something that is in demand and a good match with your skill set.  I believe there is a place for everyone's special skill set.  I believe we were all created to offer something very special.  We just have to figure out how to do it.  I spend a few years praying and trying to figure out what I could do as a freelancer.  I looked at what was in demand and figured out what might be a good match for my skill set.  I launched out, offering my first freelancing gig over 1 year ago and the rest is history.  I have been doing it ever since.  You can find a list of the freelancing services, that I offer, below:

Click here to learn how to get more appointments & Sales

 Click here if you are interested in my "Content" services

 Click here is you need me to perform research for you

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