Monday, May 2, 2016

"A Dream" that won't quit. Learn from the best.

"Pursuing your dream".  I have heard this statement alot over the years.  But I have learned the most from Mr. "Walt Disney" himself when it comes to that statement.  Many of you do not know how many times Mr. Disney failed before attaining any major success as an animator, you do know that he was not a business man but just a brilliant animator with a vision.  Walt Disney was not a business person.  His passion was drawing and animation.  He was determined to spend his life doing just that.  He had a dream that would not quit.  There was a time where he had "no money" and he had been evicted from his own office, for his company; and had lost what seemed like everything.  But he always took whatever little, he was able to recover, and kept moving.  With every big loss, he always had a small piece of his business to carry forward.  Mr. Disney did not graduate high school, he left at 16 years old.  One of the things he said was that "You cannot pursue your dreams, without failing alot".
The thing I love about Walt Disney's story is that he was just like you and I.  His family didn't have much money and neither did he, but he had SOME dream, I'll tell you that!!!  He was not a smart business man, so he made alot of mistakes.  But that didn't stop him from learning what he needed to learn in order to do what he dreamed of doing.  He wasn't afraid of the unknown.  You don't know it all, none of us do. But there is something brilliant inside of you that can take you the distance.  Something that can carry you through all the failures, mistakes, bankruptcies, heartbreaks, losses, etc.
In order to pursue your dreams you have to put your heart in it, which means that you are going to experience heartache.  But if you look at what Walt Disney achieved, it's so worth it!!!! 

The Disney name has remained strong, his brand continues to be a brilliant quality and ever growing.  It's like the foundation he laid with his heartache and mistakes; and being willing to learn laid a foundation that would be carry the brilliance that he poured into it from generation to generation.  He was just like you and I.   We all have a degree of brilliance in some area, let it shine!!

The funny thing is, my dream is being able to help others to pursue their dreams.  I hold the hopes and dreams of others safely in my heart.  Well, those who are willing to share them with me.  I get my greatest joy out of the success of others.  That's what drive my freelancing services, a passion to see other succeed.  If you are in need of any of my services you will find them listed below.

I will provide content for ezines, websites, marketing, sales copy  

I will get you more appointments and sales

I will research any topic for you

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