Monday, April 18, 2016

Creating workflow in your business

Growing a new business venture can be somewhat challenging.  Figuring out where to look for customers and figuring out how to market can often times stop entrepreneurs in their tracks.  I have been in business for myself for over 10 years and I've learned that one of the most important aspects of building a business is "creating workflow" for yourself.  When you work for someone else, they are giving you the work.  In all actuality, they are creating your workflow.  It can be a challenge, when you launch out with your own business venture, to do that for yourself.

Marketing is the first way to create workflow for yourself.  Marketing is a part of your workflow.  Meaning that you are going to decide how you want to start marketing your service, product, or opportunity.  Lets say you want to start with Social Media.  That means you will decide if you are going to market on your personal pages or if you are going to create new pages in Social media for your business.  Sometimes you can start with your personal pages and decide later about strategy on creating other pages for your business. 
Are there any people in your immediate network that you think would be interested in what you are selling?  Make a list of those people. 
Then you have to create your promotions.  Even if you are marketing on your personal pages, you have to create promotions.  With your promotions, you don't only want to talk about your business, but you want to do it in a way that is relevant to the day of the week, the season of the year, or something else that is going on right now.  You want to make it relevant for people.  Another way you make it relevant  is through pictures.  Try to always post an image to go along with your promotion.  Something that connects to what you're selling.  Something that has a message.

I have always had a passion for entrepreneurship.  Since I was very young, I always felt like our economy was built to support a free marketplace with enough opportunities for everyone to be an entrepreneur.  We all have something special to offer to the world around us.  Many times, it's just about channeling what you are truly passionate about.  That takes time.  It's a journey that I am still on.  For me, writing is the way I make my mark in the marketplace.  I love writing content for all types of marketing pieces, social media posts, etc.  If you are looking for someone to create content that will relate to your audience, click on the link below:

Thanks alot for reading my post!!! Please leave a comment.  If you think this would help others, please share on your social media platforms.  Thanks again

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